A brief
Ireland, with the unofficial tagline 'Erin go Bragh' (Ireland forever), plus the 'Fill your heart with Ireland' campaign for tourism is surely a must visit country. It is interesting about the borderline too, while the Norther Ireland is considered part of UK, the Irish cultures are much dominance, and that included the better taste of Guiness. I travelled from Belfast (capital of Northern Ireland) to Dublin (capital of Republic of Ireland) without aborderless restrictions, feel such a similar country, left by bus and return by the train, both way were interesting, coach were cheaper though. You may entered to Belfast from Dublin, or vise-versa easily, my passport will be cleared automatically with you exit within both areas. Honestly, the agreement between UK, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland, especially in regards of the passport clearance for foreigner is interesting and convenience.
We also drove from Belfast to Giant Causeway, driving via the coastal road that taking us to the beautiful view of the Irish coast, the journey itself was great via Ballycastle & Bushmills. Thank you Sean & Christina for taking me to the one of the best site in Ireland. For your information, you may need the whole day trip if you would like to walk around the path to enjoy more from the top of giant causeway. The journey continue to the land of 'Games of Throne' The Dark Hedges, where the series was filmed few years back, The trees and area has been used for the background.
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